Labour lifts onshore wind farm ban & commits to doubling capacity by 2030

Labour lifts onshore wind farm ban & commits to doubling capacity by 2030

The newly-elected Labour Government has gained praise from energy experts and environmentalists by lifting what has effectively been a ban on further onshore wind farms in England. They have also committed to doubling Britain’s current onshore wind capacity by 2030.

The ban, previously introduced in 2015 and embedded in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) through specific footnotes, had severely restricted onshore wind development. These footnotes uniquely targeted onshore projects, demanding overwhelming local support to proceed, a condition rarely met in any development project.

Consequently, onshore wind progress in England since 2015 has been minimal, limited to small projects involving one or two turbines on private land. The new draft of the NPPF from the Labour Party eliminates these restrictions, placing onshore wind projects under the same regulations as other infrastructure developments.

Currently, the UK hosts 15GW of installed onshore wind capacity, with over half located in Scotland. The Labour Government aims to double this capacity by 2030, aligning with recommendations from the Climate Change Committee which has advised the UK should reach 35GW of onshore wind capacity by 2035 to advance toward net zero emissions.

Renewable energy developers have already pinpointed potential sites for large-scale wind farms in England and aim to expedite their development, despite the lengthy timelines typically required for onshore projects.

The final decision of the Government will be confirmed in July 2024, following the resumption of the House of Commons sessions.


Sulphur hexafluoride and wind energy

SF₆ is a colourless, odourless, non-flammable gas that is used widely across the industry to insulate high-voltage switchboards. From large power stations, wind turbines, electrical sub-stations in towns and cities and within the medical industry, SF₆ has been the go-to dielectric insulating material. This is due to high electrical insulating properties, reliable stability, non-flammability, non-toxicity, low maintenance and competitive cost.

However, the significant downside to using the gas is that it holds the highest global warming potential of any known substance. Just one kilogram of SF₆ warms the earth’s atmosphere to the same extent as 24 people flying return from London to New York.

As a result, SF₆-specific regulations have now been put in place and companies must operate and maintain SF₆ switchgears in a responsible manner. The HSE outlines rigorous management of switchgears on a closed cycle to avoid deliberate gas released into the atmosphere and monitor any emissions during operation.


Monitoring solutions from Shawcity

Early detection of SF6 is key and Shawcity has a range of products designed to monitor atmospheric changes and spot checks for SF6 leaks.

SF6 LeakCheck P1 XTLP1-XTL-offen-ausgefahren 

The new SF6 LeakCheck P1 XTL from Ion Science is a state-of-the-art, wireless handheld device designed for swift spot checks, capable of detecting leaks from pipes, joints, and fixings in less than half a second. Available in two sensitivity variants, it offers flexibility to suit different detection needs: The Standard model with a sensitivity of 1x10-7 ml/s and the HIGHSense model with an enhanced sensitivity of 1x10-8 ml/s.

In its default 'search mode', the instrument features a rapid bar graph display directly on the handheld unit, ensuring even the smallest leaks are quickly identified. Upon detection, the device triggers alarms and projects a red or green light onto the test area, providing a clear visual indication of gas presence.

Encased in a rugged trolley-style Peli protector case, complete with a convenient docking station for the wireless handheld unit, this design facilitates ease of use. Every vital parameter, including sample flow rate, is continuously monitored and regulated.


Panther Handheld Gas Leak Detector Panther front screen - no background-3

Another specialist leak detection device manufactured by Ion Science is the Panther handheld gas detector. The Panther builds on the success of its predecessor, the GasCheck series, utilising the legacy of 30 years of extensive research and development.

It employs a microthermal conductivity sensor for rapid and sensitive gas detection and a built-in piezo pump guarantees a stable sample flow. This ensures reliable performance even in draughty conditions as well as relative immunity in high electro-magnetic field environments.

The Panther is designed for ease of use and operation, just move the probe along the area to be inspected, pinpoint the leak, and quantify the leak rate in various units. For applications that require leak-rate tracking, the Panther also offers an impressive 10 days of continuous logging.

Shawcity has an extensive portfolio of portable and fixed gas detection instrumentation to assist with all monitoring applications, including leak detection.

Click here for more information or contact the team today to discuss your requirements:

01367 899419

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